We can assist you in finding out about your entitlement to an energy claim.
Fill in the form below and one of our agents will be in touch straight away.

    If you have your previous & current claim year's full accounts (with detailed profit & loss including your annual energy costs goint back to June 2013 up until Dec 2022), if applicable. Please provide all relevant information.

    Energy Supplier(s)

    * Please supply as many details as you can about your energy supplier(s) this will help speed up the claims process. If more than one, energy supplier and broker, please provide the dates of when each contracts commenced and ceased. Also please provide details of the energy Broker(s) used in each contract, if different.

    Energy Supplier 1 (Compulsory)

    Energy Supplier 2 (Optional)

    Energy Supplier 3 (Optional)

    I hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions set out in this contract (see attached) and agree that all information supplied to me is strictly confidential and is not to be divulged to any third party without the express permission of Brightpath Energy Ltd. I have received a copy of the Terms and Conditions. I hereby confirm that I am a Director or Nominated Person of the Company/ Organisation duly authorised to sign this agreement on behalf of the Company/ organisation and that these Terms and Conditions shall be binding upon it. By signing this agreement, I am hereby authorised to provide any relevant information pertainin to the services to be provided directly to Brightpath Energy Ltd.

    The process is very simple with minimal headache.

    All you need to supply is a few items of information such as the broker you used along with either contracts or invoices.